Returning to the Springfield Three

Springfield three

I’m diving back into the Springfield Three case right now, re-familiarizing myself with everything and digging back into the details of the case. If you are not familiar with it yourself, check out my Springfield Three Summary and the bits of details that I’m compiling here on this site. There’s not much right now, but I’ll be adding more over time. If you see anything that is not correct, feel free to comment or send me an e-mail. If you see something that’s incomplete, it might be just because I haven’t gotten to it yet, but feel free to comment on that as well. I’m always looking for more input.

This is a case that I’m always surprised more people don’t know about. I know it’s popular with the true-crime community, but it feels like most people outside of that community that I talk to have never heard of these missing women.

My gut instinct tells me that somebody the girls know did something to them. I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that it happened on the night of their graduation. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they didn’t stay at the hotel as planned, and didn’t stay at Janelle Kirby’s as planned. It feels like something led them to make those decisions, and we are not getting the entire story, because those answers could only come from the victims themselves. I wonder if they felt nervous about something?

I’ll be adding more to the Springfield Three pages over time, and updating my thoughts through these posts whenever I can.


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