The Springfield Three – A Serial Killer?

Yesterday, I posted that my first instinct was that it was somebody that the women knew who abducted them. Today, my opinion has shifted somewhat. I’ve updated several pages on this site with more information that I have collected as I’ve been reading and scouring through internet articles for the few hours I had today to look at the case.

One theory that stood out to me is the idea that the abductor could have been inside the house before Suzie and Stacy returned. It is known that Sherill Lovett was refinishing a wardrobe earlier in the evening. This theory suggests that she likely left a window open to air the fumes out of the place. The abductor would have climbed in through this window and hidden in the house until springing an attack on the victims. He would have controlled the women with a weapon, convinced them that he would only rob them and leave, then he tied them up and carried them to a vehicle one at a time. At some point while carrying one of them, they kicked out globe on the porch light.

This theory makes a lot of sense to me, and seems to explain a lot. It reminds me a lot of the Golden State Killer, who would do things very similarly, though he never took anybody from their home and transported them elsewhere.

I do wonder, however, where the abductor’s vehicle was. It seems like if it were parked in front of the house that Suzie and Stacy would have noticed and wouldn’t have gone about their business as usual when they went into the house. Where did this guy park if he was there before they were?

There’s so many mysteries with this case, and no theory seems to completely fit. I’m sure that plenty more will present themselves as I continue to learn more about the case.

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